Home / Online courses / Spondyloarthritis Management and Aquatic Physiotherapy

Spondyloarthritis Management and Aquatic Physiotherapy

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  • Overview

This presentation will outline the current trends in the management of Spondyloarthritis (SpA), including Ankylosing Spondylitis. Types of exercise and other physio / multi-disciplinary management will be discussed, including the evidence for aquatic physio for to people with SpA, and a recent hypothesis which could explain the benefits we see in practise.



Janet Millner, APAM, is the Clinical Lead Physiotherapist for Rheumatology at the Royal Hobart Hospital. Her undergraduate training included specialist rheumatology/ spa centres in the UK, and rheumatology has remained a continuous thread throughout her (now 40 year) career. Her other long-time interest is the management of pain, and how to incorporate contemporary pain knowledge in the management of rheumatological conditions. She completed a Master of Medical Research with a thesis entitled ‘Strengthening the evidence for exercise in spondyloarthritis’: this was presented at the American College of Rheumatology meeting in Washington, and the resulting consensus statement paper has received over 150 citations. She is also a graduate of the Pain Revolution’s ‘Local Pain Educator’ program. Her clinical role emphasises the support of people with complex rheumatological conditions in ‘bridging the gap’ from being sedentary to being physically active self-managers.



Aquatic, Musculoskeletal, Pain and Gerontology National Groups


Date of Live Event



CPD Hours

1.0 Hours


Please note: The content of this Lecture on Demand (LOD) was captured via a recording of a live lecture at the APA premises. Due to the nature of the event and the recording method, this LOD may not have captured some of the questions/comments from live audience. Your purchase of this module indicates your acceptance of this.