Home / Online courses / A graduate’s guide: The knee

Part 1

This video is designed to give the viewer and in depth analysis of the anatomy and kinematics of the knee joint complex.

There is a comprehensive look at the key knee assessment technique related specifically for the knee.

We will discuss a specific knee complex subjective examination and an appropriate objective examination of the knee including palpation, muscle testing, tibiofemoral and patellofemoral joint tests and functional tests.


Part 2

This video is designed as an instructional video for treatment of common pathology in the knee joint complex.

We will discuss appropriate intervention and treatment techniques for the knee joint complex including patellofemoral and tibiofemoral joints.

Rehabilitation exercise intervention appropriate for common knee complex problems are discussed.

Specific activation of the most important muscle groups in the knee complex and lower limb kinetic chain are demonstrated to ensure that the muscle dysfunction is effectively and efficiently targeted during rehabilitation.



Michael Vidaveloo a physiotherapist who has worked at the elite level of sport with athletes from numerous sports from athletics to basketball,swimming,cricket and soccer(football) for the past 30 years.

This includes working in the Australian Football League (St Kilda F.C.) for 14 years.This is the highest professional sport in Australia and equivalent to the NFL (US) or Premier League (UK).

Michael attained his specialist sports physiotherapist title and membership at the Australian College of Physiotherapists in 2009 and he is a specialist fellow of the IFSPT.

Michael has lectured in Australia and overseas on his program for the assessment & rehabilitation of the lower limb with an emphasis on effective and efficient activation and strengthening of the primary muscles of the lower limb required to reduce pain, maximise rehabilitation and facilitate a successful return to sport.



CPD hours: 1.25