Home / Online courses / An update on Huntington’s disease

An Update on Huntington’s disease will explore the clinical treatment guidelines for Huntington’s disease, including the debates currently underway as the guidelines are reviewed. Video examples of motor symptom presentation will support a discussion about the progress of the International Huntington’s disease Physiotherapy Working Group. Recommendations for treatment practices, the vital role of physiotherapy, and a brief overview of current clinical trials will be discussed before a Q&A session.



Ms. Melanie Clark is a Senior Research Scientist coordinating clinical trials in Huntington's at the Perron Institute and providing case management within a multidisciplinary team for people with Huntington's at the Western Australian state-wide specialist Huntington's service, the Neurosciences Unit. Melanie is currently undertaking her PhD in collaboration with Edith Cowan University, the Neurosciences Unit, Huntington's Australia, and the Perron Institute supervised by Dr Travis Cruickshank exploring the utility of a co-designed remote mobile Huntington's multidisciplinary service for Aboriginal Australian's living in the Kimberley's.



Neurology National Group


Date of Live Event



CPD Hours

0.5 hours


Please note: The content of this Lecture on Demand (LOD) was captured via a recording of a live lecture at the APA premises. Due to the nature of the event and the recording method, this LOD may not have captured some of the questions/comments from live audience. Your purchase of this module indicates your acceptance of this.