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(PhysioEducators) Entire Masterclass Bundle (9 modules)

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Non-Member: AUD 576.00 inc. GST

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  • Overview

This series consist of 9 Webcasts:

1. Dr. Henry Wajswelner - Stress fracture

2. Michael Vadiveloo - ACL

3. Wendy Braybon - Shoulder

4. Jane Rooney - PCL / PFJ (Coming soon)

5. Cassandra Zaina - Shoulder Injury

6. Alistair Flett - A Multifactorial Headache Presentation

7. Rob Laird _ Lumbar spine

8. Jenny Hynes - Complex lumbo/pelvic/ hip pain presentation

9. Dr Margaret Sherburn - Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in the Young Multiparous Woman


Presented by Jane Rooney




Dr Henry Wajswelner FACP

Unusual stress fracture presentation

The expert clinician examines the loading history and physical risk factors for this unusual presentation.

A Rehab plan is discussed and demonstrated in detail and the patients prognosis explored in the post assessment interview.




Michael Vadiveloo FACP

Knee dysfunction post ACL reconstruction

The expert clinician examines the specific dysfunctions in this athlete’s presentation at 8 months post ACL reconstruction and

integrates these with contemporary evidence and the clinicians experience to design an appropriate rehab program for a successful return to sport.


Wendy Braybon FACP


Wendy Braybon FACP

Complex throwers shoulder

The expert clinician diagnoses the multiple components of a complex shoulder presentation in a baseball pitcher.

The role of the entire kinetic chain involved in a throwing athlete is assessed and a comprehensive management plan demonstrated and discussed.


Jane Rooney - PCL / PFJ (Coming soon)


Dr Cassandra Zaina


Cassandra Zaina - Shoulder Injury 




Alastair Flett, FACP

A Multifactorial Headache Presentation

The expert clinician deferentially diagnoses the presenting headache and explores the risk and contributing factors. A comprehensive management plan is discussed and treatment techniques demonstrated.


Rob Laird _ Lx spine


Rob Laird

Lumbar spine

The expert clinician examines a patient presenting with chronic lumbar spine pain and invesitigates the differential diagnosis and individual contributing factors. An evidence informed rehab and management plan is presented with specific exercises demonstrated using movement sensor technology.


Jenny Hynes FACP


Jenny Hynes FACP

Complex lumbo/pelvic/ hip pain presentation

The expert clinician examines the relationships and differential diagnosis of a patient presenting with lumbar spine and hip pain co-existing with anterior and posterior pelvic pain. An evidence informed rehab and management plan is discussed and specific exercises demonstrated.


Jenny Hynes FACP


Dr Margaret Sherburn

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in the Young Multiparous Woman

The expert clinician examines pelvic floor dysfunction using real time ultrasound imaging, combined with a comprehensive patient interview and results from a previously performed internal examination in a young and physically active multiparous woman. A management plan is discussed including specific exercises for strength, power and endurance of the pelvic floor muscle group.